It wasn't bears that Lisa feared most when in nature, but the void of contact with the modern world.


role | Prototyping, UX

in a world where technology and screens have consumed us...

Getting in touch with nature has become a bit of a challenge. While we want to enjoy our surroundings, peace-of-mind gets lost when we sacrifice tech for our outdoor experiences.

By creating a screen-free device with minimal functions and a light-weight design, our goal was to give those who crave the outdoors a way to remain connected while they are in nature. 


how it works


Users of Pulse will be able to stay in contact via an app on a loved one's device. The app will allow the loved one to send small pulses (beeps or vibrations) to the Pulse user, letting them know that they are thinking of them. In return, the Pulse user can send one back to the, letting their loved one know they are doing ok!

Keeping the device minimal informed the design of the app, which only has 3 screens and is easy to navigate with simple swipe motions. The app can also be set to the location of the area the Pulse device will be in, informing the screen colors to change from day to night.


our users

While our primary target is users who venture into the outdoors more than the ordinary person, we've designed a device that anyone can use and feel comfortable with.

For all of these venues, the Pulse is small and compact, allowing for easy travel and non-disruptive communication during the trip.


team | Thomas Carroll (XD), Sarah Burley (XD)

Programs used |  C4D, Illustrator, InDesign, sketch